Saturday, August 21, 2010

17 August 2010

Grant County Fair! Maisie and her new friend Emrie.

They touched a baby pygmy goat, a lamb, the softest bunny at the fair. They ate until they were stuffed. Then they rode 100 rides. Yes. Yes they did. And they had a BLAST. And then they ate caramel apples right before we left. Do you think they fell asleep on the ride home? NO. No, they did not. And when we got home, they wanted to play with toys. Whoa. Good night, ladies!!

After a day in the sand. He ate some, I'm pretty sure. (I didn't SEE it come out...however, later in the week I DID see a UPC sticker come out. Yikes!)

Mmmmm....blueberry waffles! Did he eat ANY of it?

Ready. Set. GO!!! (run run run run run)---and yes, that's Mommy behind the camera...still not sure which setting to use, or why it switches settings on it's own...

Playing with Papa's stereo relic. (that's a "naughty", in case you wondered.)

7-15 August

Just a few things Calvin does. Some naughty. Some cute.

He gets in the shower WITH clothes on. (well, SOME clothes. we were in the process of getting showered and ready to go. Maisie was still in there, and he decided to go BACK in.)
5 August 2010

Maisie has lost her first tooth! (This picture is not some special technique with black and white--it's a new camera, and I still fight with it on every shot. Anyone know where our old card is? Ack!)

Maisie fought with this tooth for a couple of days, finally it popped out on it's own while eating some dry cold cereal. There were a lot of tears and much consternation, but even SHE was glad to be rid of it. Especially when the Tooth Fairy left her 50 whole cents!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

31 July 2010

A little duet.