Three days of school. Two days of soccer. One afternoon spent at the bookstore while Mommy, Daddy, Papa and Gogo worked.
=one whooped little girl!
But hey, next week, let's add in piano lessons, too!
8 September 2010
Mom and Dad have been painting and building and babysitting. When Martin and I first discussed the idea of opening a bookstore, our parents were all for it! Now I'm quite certain they are not so sure!! :) THANK YOU!
7 September 2010
Maisie is playing soccer-we have practice on Mondays and games on Wednesdays. So far we've just practiced, and Maisie looks like she improves every day! She seems to like it, and SAYS she likes it. I hope that continues!
31 August 2010
Maisie's first day of kindergarten! She was SO excited to start "big girl school"! Her teacher is Lila Schwint. Chloe and Brody from preschool last year are in her class. Gabriel from preschool the year before last is in her class! She plays with Jace during recess (he was in preschool with her last year, too). She loves the monkey bars and lunch time. She asks to do her math homework the minute we walk in the door after school!
What a big girl we have! We are so proud of you!
28 August 2010
Beckers4. Indianola, WA. Summer, 2010.
28 August 2010
Maisie and Mommy snuggled up in a deck chair.
Maisie had taken a nap because the cute Schneider boys were napping and she was bored without them. After everyone woke up, I scored some serious snuggles. Nice. That doesn't happen all the time!