14 January 2010
Ahhh....another nightstand capture.
What can you see:
M*A*S*H dvds on loan from Martin's collection or Dad's, not sure who they actually belong to
A new book given to Greg for Christmas from a fellow teacher (who obviously doesn't know Greg very well, he'd never READ a book!)
"The Other Queen" by Phillippa Gregory and Julie and Julia-got that from my sister-in-law's collection she pared down when she moved.
Emu oil in an old film canister for Calvin's heinie.
Clock radio (Taylor Swift cd in there that Maisie and I listen to when we get ready in the am)
cell phone
High School Musical dvd-I think I had to extract it from my computer when I started watching M*A*S*H.
If you look hard, you can see the antenna from Calvin's baby monitor.
That is all.