Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
31 August 2010
Maisie's first day of kindergarten! She was SO excited to start "big girl school"! Her teacher is Lila Schwint. Chloe and Brody from preschool last year are in her class. Gabriel from preschool the year before last is in her class! She plays with Jace during recess (he was in preschool with her last year, too). She loves the monkey bars and lunch time. She asks to do her math homework the minute we walk in the door after school!
What a big girl we have! We are so proud of you!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Grant County Fair! Maisie and her new friend Emrie.
They touched a baby pygmy goat, a lamb, the softest bunny at the fair. They ate until they were stuffed. Then they rode 100 rides. Yes. Yes they did. And they had a BLAST. And then they ate caramel apples right before we left. Do you think they fell asleep on the ride home? NO. No, they did not. And when we got home, they wanted to play with toys. Whoa. Good night, ladies!!
After a day in the sand. He ate some, I'm pretty sure. (I didn't SEE it come out...however, later in the week I DID see a UPC sticker come out. Yikes!)
Mmmmm....blueberry waffles! Did he eat ANY of it?
Ready. Set. GO!!! (run run run run run)---and yes, that's Mommy behind the camera...still not sure which setting to use, or why it switches settings on it's own...

7-15 August
Just a few things Calvin does. Some naughty. Some cute.
He gets in the shower WITH clothes on. (well, SOME clothes. we were in the process of getting showered and ready to go. Maisie was still in there, and he decided to go BACK in.)
Maisie has lost her first tooth! (This picture is not some special technique with black and white--it's a new camera, and I still fight with it on every shot. Anyone know where our old card is? Ack!)
Maisie fought with this tooth for a couple of days, finally it popped out on it's own while eating some dry cold cereal. There were a lot of tears and much consternation, but even SHE was glad to be rid of it. Especially when the Tooth Fairy left her 50 whole cents!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
31 July 2010
First thing I did for the new store was sort books at the old store. It was heaven. Apparently I was being too picky, and we need more books than I was going to wind up with by being so anal, so some re-sorting happened. Today I put the signs together for the new store: Second Hand Prose, New Edition. Opens Mid-Sept.
Whoop!!! Greg has been working on our website and procuring books from around the state! Will have to go on a trip in a bookmobile here, soon. Tomorrow we start moving shelves to the new place. I say "we" but I don't think I have to help. Whew.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ah Calvin.
This boy is fascinated by fans. Thanks Papa!!
Ceiling fans. Table fans. And these REALLY BIG FANS ON HILLS!!!
We stopped in Madras to have lunch, and while we waited for a table (which we never got, by the way...)Greg had to carry Calvin away from the middle of the dining room, where he was blowing at the ceiling fan. Which was located OVER THE DINERS!
When we got to Dave and Charika's house, they had the ceiling fans on in all the bedrooms. Calvin ran from room to room blowing on the fans from the doorway!
On the way home he worked on the windmills!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ahhh...the sand!
Calvin was happy for most of the morning, being the littlest guy and having to spend much time in his stroller! After a while he was ready to GET OUT of it! So Greg decided to take the boy down to the sand. Great decision. He LOVED it. He let it fall through his hands, he tossed it in the air, let it fall on his head, dropped it on his legs, he rubbed it in his eyes...and he loved the water-he didn't swim-too cold! But it sure was fun to run from it!

Maisie INSISTED on riding these kiddie rides alone! (no problem. Greg and I were too tall!)
Although she displayed VERY good behavior during our trip (except for after fireworks. our fault. we forgot to tell her she could fall asleep, but had to wake up nice) we still thought it was pretty funny that she chose the boat that was named "Crabster". LOL!
3 July 2010
Headed to California! As we departed Klamath Falls, our day 1 destination (we KNEW both kids in the car for one very long day of driving wasn't going to do the trick, so we split the drive into two-stopping in KFalls at a hotel with a pool. Maisie wore herself out swimming!) we texted Susan. She and the fam had departed the same day as us-we thought they were leaving the day after! So we wound up arriving in Redding just moments apart! We met at this bridge, the Sundial Bridge. Took a walk across, let the kids run around (poor Calvin, trapped in a backpack!) and ate lunch before caravanning the rest of the trip to Morgan Hill. This was a very nice bridge-white. Showed EVERY spider web and spider. Eek. Not Greg's favorite. :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
30 May 2010
Mom and Dad came out to help us in the yard, and brought dinner. Pork ribs and corn on the cob. YUM! Calvin liked it too! As you can see from these pictures-he's wearing an awful lot of dinner, and what he REALLY enjoyed was eating the ice cream sandwich all by himself! (Moisturizer, anyone?) Yikes, what a mess. After dinner he ALWAYS goes straight to the tub.
All done!!
I think there is roughly half an ice cream sandwich in his mouth in the last picture!!
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